Hourly Rate Card
Need additional technology service above and beyond what is in our catalog, if we can help we have the following hourly rates to support you.
The cross-agency Rates and Services Board was established to review and approve changes to OIT’s services and rates as well as requests for new IT services. It also serves to provide better transparency into OIT’s billing processes and how the money entrusted to us is spent.
With approval from the Board, OIT established detailed hourly rates (see below) to separate out standard work that should be part of existing service rates and also enable some or all of the hourly services to be leveraged on an ad hoc basis, depending on the needs of the incident or customer demand. The hourly rates can be easily identified with each of their service codes ending with the letter H.
How the Rate Card Helps
The Rate Card unlocks a new way you can partner with OIT for all types of additional service demands and should be used to augment the defined enterprise services. It also provides additional transparency so agencies can see the additional "cash" services OIT offers and at what hourly rate. For example:
You can look at the card to see how much OIT will bill vs. going to a third party service provider and paying them directly for the service. Weighing up the additional support they would get from the OIT services and benefits to the state.
An agency requesting additional support for an unexpected IT audit can see how OIT would bill those hours as consulting above and beyond the normally planned allocation.
How to use the Rate Card
Agency engagement must occur before any use of the rate card. OIT needs to document all requests for any services provided via the hourly rate card. This process will ultimately be available via ServiceHub, however, in the interim, customers must work with their IT Director or Agency IT Portfolio Manager to submit an OIT Interagency Agreement (IA) form (also available on OIT’s public website). If the rate card is needed for incident response, OIT is required to let customers know this is work being provided at an additional cost and we will need to bill them in accordance with the rate card. This will enable customers to find alternative funding if needed.