Real-time billing

Transition to Real-time Billing Methodology for Common Policy in FY 2021-22

As part of the IT Transformation Initiative, OIT has transitioned Common Policy services to a Real-time Billing methodology as of Fiscal Year 2021-22. Under this new methodology, OIT will set fixed service rates and bill each month based on consumption, rather than the current process of billing an estimate and performing a true up after the year is complete. The section below describes the Real-time Billing Rate Setting Methodology, but for more information on the Real-time Billing initiative, please visit the Real-time Billing section of the ReimagineIT website.

Real-Time Billing Rate Setting Methodology 

Rate Development

Now that OIT has transitioned to Real-time Billing for Common Policy Services, OIT set's fixed rates each budget cycle based on expected service demand as well as estimated total costs for providing each service.

OIT's current rate setting methodology includes a multi-step process:

Rate Calculation:

Forecasted Service Cost Pool ÷ Forecasted Statewide Service Use = Service Rate

Department Budget:

Final Approved Service Rate × Department's Requested Utilization = Department's Base Budget for Each Service

Rate True Up

As an internal service provider for state agencies, OIT aims to set rates that perfectly balance revenue and expense for each service each year. Since rates are set well in advance of the fiscal year, and many factors can influence final service costs and final department utilization, OIT evaluates any variance between final service costs and revenue at the close of each fiscal year. OIT then accounts for any over/under collection in the next rate setting process. This ensures that OIT is adjusting future rates to bring fund balance in line with federal requirements

Other Information

General Overview  of OIT's Reappropriated Funding